7 Ways to the Quit the Sugar Habit


The sugar habit is one of the toughest to shake. There are many problems that come with eating too much sugar, but one of the main ones, is that sugar causes you to crave more sugar, and unless your will power and intention are super strong, you’ll go for that next cookie, time and again. Sometimes you have to trick the mind and the body to help you quit your sugar addiction. Here are 7 tricks to help you start the new year with healthy habits and less sugar in your diets.

1. Start right away

The worst thing to do is to give in to procrastination. Saying things like, “I’ll start next Monday”, are never going to keep you committed and motivated. Stop eating sugar today, even if you have already had something sweet, don’t worry about it, begin as soon as you make the commitment in your mind.

2. Find other foods that satisfy your cravings

This process can be a lot fun if you take your time. Choose naturally sweet foods that you already love, to help satisfy those sugar cravings. Fruit is one category you might want to try. Stick with fruits that are in season because they will be the sweetest. All-natural peanut butter and other nut butters are a great choice, but make certain that they are all-natural with no sugar added.

3. Read labels

Don’t purchase foods, even those that say that they are all-natural, without reading the labels. Know what you are eating so that you can calculate your sugar counts accurately. These suggestions are all about eating naturally and natural foods can contain sugar, but is it added sugar or the sugar that came from nature? These are things you need to know.

4. If you can last for two weeks…

That’s right, all it takes is two weeks without ANY sugar whatsoever, and the cravings will begin to cease. Two weeks is short amount of time to devote to the health of your body. During this time, look for new recipes, sugarless snacks you can make yourself, and just have fun with this new life change.

5. Indulge in other favorite foods

Since you will have two weeks of cravings before you get adjusted, enjoy other foods you may love, such as chips and dip, pretzels, make a homemade pizza, use your favorite condiment whenever you like; be it a natural or homemade salsa or hot sauce. If you like spicy foods, indulge a bit during these two weeks until you get over the cravings.

6. Make it teamwork

If it’s possible, don’t do the challenge alone. Ask friends and relatives to join you in your quest for a refined sugar free life. You are guaranteed to get people who will want to make the same changes. Support is always a great way to handle a challenge. You can get creative and throw a sugar free party; gather sugar free cocktail recipes, make vegan sugar free snacks. This will give you and your friends the opportunity to try something new and quite possibly, delicious.

7. Create a two week menu

So that you’re not left hanging on a Tuesday night with nothing to eat but cookies and milk, create a detailed menu of recipes that will be interesting, simple, and filling. Incorporate breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks, into your eating schedule. This is a way to eat healthily all day without allowing yourself to get too hungry. Whenever hunger takes over, we look for something quick and often sweet, because our blood sugars get out of balance. Plan your meals. This is the best way to success.

Source: How to Quit Sugar: 10 Tricks from a Sugar Addict

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