5 Signs You Have a Sluggish Thyroid


There are many health issues that are still a mystery to us though they give us problems frequently. One of those issues is the thyroid gland; sometimes it speeds up, sometimes it’s sluggish. We will be exploring the most common issue with the thyroid and that is why it becomes sluggish and how you can tell if you have a sluggish thyroid. The American Thyroid Association reports that there almost 20 million people that suffer from some form of thyroid disease. Most of these people are not aware that they have a thyroid condition and women are 8 times more likely to suffer from thyroid diseases.

Above the Adam’s Apple is a butterfly-shaped gland, which is the thyroid. This gland secretes vital hormones that affect major functions within the body. One of the major issues is the thyroid becoming so sluggish that it affects the way in which you digest food and the way your body uses energy. When the thyroid slows down, you slow down. Everything in the body tends to slow down and you will begin to feel fatigued. It can become almost impossible to lose weight and you find yourself gaining weight easily.

But what can cause this to happen?

The major cause of a sluggish thyroid and its repercussions, is that the gland itself does not secrete enough thyroid hormone. This often happens because the thyroid gland becomes inflamed. This condition is called Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis or Hashimoto’s Disease. Here are just some of the symptoms that will let you know that you may have a sluggish and inflamed thyroid gland.

1. You are always tired. You find yourself not having the energy to do everyday tasks that were once just a regular part of your day.

2. Mood swings may begin to happen. You could begin to suffer from depression, anxiety, or both.

3. Confusion or brain fog may happen. You might not be able to figure out everyday tasks, things you’ve done before. Simple tasks may become difficult to figure out.

4. You begin to have unusual digestion problems; constipation or diarrhea.

5. Sudden weight gain for no reason may be a symptom of a sluggish thyroid. You have not changed your eating or activity habits and yet you are gaining weight that is impossible to lose.

What can you do to restore your thyroid’s health?

There are some changes you can make after visiting your physician first. Avoiding anti-bacterial products like Triclosan, an antibacterial ingredient found in many everyday products like lotions and toothpaste, has been found to be harmful to our system and causing inflammation of the thyroid gland. Use natural lotions, creams and toothpastes to avoid this chemical.

Deep breathing exercises can help to relieve chronic stress, also a trigger for an inflamed thyroid. Take up yoga, or Tai Chi, or a walk everyday, to help relieve stress and restore your health. North Carolina and the University of California at Davis, have both done research to prove that excess stress can also be a trigger for thyroid diseases.

The most important thing is to see your doctor, share your symptoms, and find out for sure if you are suffering from some form of thyroid disease. Your physician will have some instructions for you and may even suggest a medication. Taking prescription medications is up to you, however, you can still incorporate the natural solutions suggested, into your everyday life to assist in restoring health to your thyroid gland.