6 Simple Tips to Prevent Sugar Spikes


Often when we feel that mid-day lag it’s because of the spike in blood sugar. This happening can cause us to feel out of sorts, and if it happens too many times on a regular basis, blood sugar spikes can cause major health issues, particularly for those who are diabetic or prone to the disease. Common foods and drinks can cause our blood sugar to spike, so we don’t always know what foods to eat and what foods and drinks to avoid.

Here are 6 simple ways to avoid blood sugar spikes:

1.  Eat Low-Carb Foods

Carbohydrates are what cause a spike in blood sugar, so the common sense thing would be to avoid those high carb foods, like sugar, white flour breads and white rices, candy bars and snack foods laden with sugar. Instead snack on seeds and nuts like almonds and eat whole wheat and whole grain breads with your sandwiches. a high protein diet is also very helpful.

2. Stop Eating So Much Sugar

If possible give up white sugar and sugar products all-together. Candies, cookies, cakes, and sugar in your coffee and teas. This may sound drastic but it’s really not so difficult once you find a list of snacks that are healthy and satisfying, like Greek yogurt with berries and nuts, frozen banana ice cream, which is just frozen bananas mashed. Nori is great for salt lovers, and popcorn, popped at home is another great snack suggestion.

3. Maintain a Healthy Weight

Maintaining a healthy weight instead of going up and down on the scales, is another great way to stop those sugar spikes. Train your taste buds to love healthy foods and delicious foods like fruit and veggie smoothies, smoothie bowls which are popular now filled with yogurt and all kinds of colorful fruits and seeds and nuts. Exercise is an effective way to maintain your weight goal. It can be simple, a walk 3-4 days a weeks can help you get stronger and help shed those unneeded pounds.

4. Eat More Fiber

Eating fiber helps to control and balance blood sugar. Breakfast is a good time to get your fiber in; with breads that are whole grain, whole wheat cereals, nuts and seeds. You can also do smoothies and fill them fruits accompanied by kale, collards, and spinach. This is a yummy way to get your fiber without being bored with your diet.

5. Drink More Water

Surprisingly, not drinking enough water can spike your blood sugar. Water is good for us in many ways so you can’t go wrong by upping the amount of water you take in on a daily basis. Staying hydrated is one of the healthiest things you can do for yourself when it comes to maintaining a healthy blood sugar level.

6. Add Apple Cider Vinegar to Your Diet

Apple cider vinegar has been touted for its multitude of health benefits. It has been linked to weight loss, cholesterol lowering and maintaining the blood sugar. It is not offensive in taste like some regular vinegars. You can take a teaspoon everyday when you awaken or add it to lemon water and consume it that way. It is also great as a salad dressing over some raw greens for lunch or for dinner.

photo source: 12 Simple Tips to Prevent Blood Sugar Spikes

Source: 12 Simple Tips to Prevent Blood Sugar Spikes