Top 5 Emerging Trends in Alternative Medicine


Research shows that approximately a third of all Americans are seeking alternative ways to better their health. The word of traditional doctors is not the end of the story anymore. Patients want to participate and some want to take over their battle for a healthy life. These statistics come from the National Institutes of Health. They also report that most Americans who use natural and alternative medicine do it in conjunction with traditional medical care.

This report is a government report to look at the health habits of all Americans by taking a sample of diverse citizens and studying their healthcare methods. Over 89,000 adults and 17, 000 children were involved in the survey. The children ranged from 4 years old to 17. The report stands by its views that more and more Americans are wanting to know more about their health and how to help their physicians keep them in a healthier state of body and mind.

Below we list 5 emerging trends that Americans are using to better their own health:

1. Yoga, Tai Chi Qi Gong

Over 20 million adults and 17 million children practice yoga. Many parents and children practice these age-old methods of healing together. Yoga incorporates physical, mental, and spiritual healing, as do Tai Chi and Qi Gong.

2. Probiotics

Probiotic use has increased over the last decade. Probiotics is taken normally for digestive issues and by those who have been on heavy antibiotics for a various reasons. Probiotics protect your system from what some call “bad bacteria”. Plain yogurt is the best way to naturally get the probiotics into your system.

3. Reiki

Reiki is another ancient form of healing the body and mind. It is energy work, so it can be done long distance. You must participate with your belief system in its healing powers and cooperate with the Reiki facilitator to see the best results.

4. Fish Oil Supplements

Fish oil is known as a very common natural product. It is safely taken by children and adults and its use has also increased over the last decade. It is said to lower the risk of heart disease, which is America’s number one killer, particularly among women. It is believed that the omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil is what helps lower the risk of diseases.

5. Coconut Oil

There is still no cure for ALS, though the ice bucket challenge raised a lot of money, a cure is yet to be found. Duke University’s Dr. Richard Bedlack’s top pick for alternative methods for ALS, is coconut oil. Dr. Bedlack believes that coconut oil is worthy of far more research, as it is the most promising help for ALS patients.