4 Benefits of Farro: A Healthy and Nutritious Ancient Grain


Quinoa, seems to have taken over the globe. Once, mostly unknown, it is now on the tables of average households, taking the place of rice and pastas. Farro is now on the scene, and we get to learn a few facts about why this ancient grain should be on our next shopping list. Farro is a wheat grain that has its beginnings in Mesopotamia.

Farro has been around for thousands of years and is packed with all the vitamins and minerals needed for a healthy diet. Protein, fiber, and antioxidants are also within farro, which are just a few of its benefits. Since farro can be a versatile side dish or a main meal, it’s simple to add this healing and healthy grain to your diet. Simply substitute it for your normal starch, like potatoes, or have farro with your tomato sauce instead of noodles.

Here are 4 benefits of farro that will convince you to incorporate this delicious grain into your recipes:

1. Farro is super nutritious

Much more nutritious than white rice, its main alternative, farro is super nutritious and filled with fiber, protein, vitamins B3, magnesium, zinc, and iron. Each of these vitamins and minerals play a great role in a healthy diet. Zinc is vital to a healthy immune system and is largely responsible for breaking down carbohydrates. Magnesium is responsible for bone strength and assists in keeping the heartbeat regular.

2. Farro is filled with a huge variety of antioxidants

As a whole grain, farro contains polyphenols, carotenoids, selenium, and phytosterols, all antioxidant compounds. These compounds have been proven to lessen the risk of heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and certain cancers. Whole grains, like farro, are one of the best ways to get antioxidants into your diet. Three servings of whole grains a day can cut your risk of heart diseases by at least 22% and stroke by 12%.

3. Farro is a great source of protein

One-quarter cup of farro contains 6 grams of protein. Quinoa carries just about the same amount, however white rice cannot compare and brown rice still does not equal. A meal that includes farro and a plant-based food, like black beans, offers up a complete protein for your daily diet.

4. Farro is weight-loss friendly

This is good news. Farro is a great assistant in a healthy weight loss program. Obesity is a huge problem globally and the underlying cause of many chronic diseases, like hypertension and diabetes. Farro is high protein, so it will help to reduce your appetite and keep you fuller. By planning your meals, you can easily include farro into your dinner plans. Every time you think of rice, substitute farro and gain a myriad of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants from its super nutritious benefits.