Does Beer Really Give You a Fat Belly?


Just about everyone is familiar with the term, “beer belly”. It refers to those who have a serious liking for beer drinking and a seriously large belly. Everyone assumes the large belly comes from the beer habit, but does it really? Do we have evidence that beer will cause fat to gather around the middle, more so than anywhere else on the body? Let us see what the facts say about beer.

So what is beer and how is it made?

Beer is an alcoholic beverage made from one or two grains which are then fermented. With all of the microbreweries that exist today, many other flavors and grain combinations are also being used to enhance, not only the flavors of beer, but may also enhance its health benefits. Beer is also made from hops, which has the ability to relax you and help many people treat cases of insomnia. Beer also contains micronutrients, like sodium, magnesium, and potassium.

So those are some of the benefits of your favorite brew, but what about this fat belly idea. Where is the truth or myth in that story? 

Let’s begin by going over some of the nutritional facts about beer:

These are the basic nutritional facts of a 12 oz. beer with approximately 4% alcohol per volume.

Alcohol: 14 grams

Calories: 153

Carbs: 13 grams

Fat: 0

Protein: 2

Beer is high in carbohydrates, which is similar to foods that cause weight gain around the middle, like bread and sugary snacks, so that’s one strike against this nutrient filled alcoholic beverage. There are a few sensible reasons why beer will cause weight gain in general, such as calorie intake. When we drink beer we are usually consuming foods as well, and many times, we are consuming high calorie foods like burgers, Buffalo wings, and fried foods. Drinking any form of alcohol can also increase your appetite and so the calorie intake is constantly increased if you are a regular drinker.

Science says that beer may prevent us from burning fat. When it comes to the body’s priorities, breaking down the alcohol in beer is at the top of the list, and burning fuel, such as fat, slips to the bottom of the priority list. As we mentioned, beer contains hops which is filled with phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens behave similarly to the female hormones, estrogens, which may be why men who drink beer gain weight around the middle, mimicking the weight gain processes of women.

Research is still being done on why and how beer drinking causes weight gain specifically around the middle. The increased calorie intake combined with the fact that the body places the breaking down of alcohol above fat burning, when you’re drinking an alcoholic beverage, may be a part of the answer. However, the question of beer causing weight gain any differently than an evening of martinis, is still somewhat unanswered. It could simply come down to the fact that we tend to drink more beer at one time, than we do other alcoholic beverages. In other words, it’s simpler and quicker it seems, to chug down a six-pack of beer than six cocktails.

The best advice is to watch your alcohol intake in general. Just as we watch our food intake because of their calories, alcohol is no different. We just need to remember the next time we are at that family BBQ, to slow down on the beer consumption.