This post is not just for the New Agers out there, those that would rather meditate than have breakfast. Although many New Age gurus and followers subscribe to smudging, they don’t own it. Everyone can learn to smudge and benefit from the smudging, just as the spiritual experts do, and here are 5 reasons why you should try it within your home and office.
But first,
What is Smudging?
The act of smudging is ancient. Many Native American Indian tribes used herbs tied in a bundle to get rid of negativity or what they felt were negative spirits in their midst. Ancient peoples all over the globe have their own way of smudging, but mostly all of them use some type of herb, often sage, to get rid of negativity or the feeling of impending danger. Smudging is a way to clear a home of any feelings or emotions you may be experiencing within that space that are unwanted.
Why You Should Try Smudging in Your Home or Office
1. Clearing Negative Energy
Sometimes you may feel as if something is just not right inside your space. You can’t explain it, it is just a bad feeling when you walk into your home or office space. Smudging is a great way to clear the air. You simply purchase a bundle of sage or cedar, tie them together with a string very tightly, and light them. You walk around the space with the sage or cedar bundle and often positive words are chanted, like, “negativity leave, only love remains”. It is customary to spread the smoke around the doors and windows, all entry points. Then open a window or door to release the negativity. Be very careful. You can buy smudging bundles already tied and dried enough so they will light but not set anything on fire.
Removes Excess Positive Debilitating Ions from the Air
2. If you need a scientific reason, it appears that smudging removes the excess positive ions in the air allowing for a sense of well-being and better mental focus. This is one of the reasons why smudging is great for a home office or your office at work, as long as you have permission. If you cannot smudge at your workplace, which may be likely, smudge around your body when you get home and even inside your car. Too many positive ions in the air can be debilitating.
3. Nature’s Antidepressant
Just as it is debilitating to have too many positive ions in the air, Smudging with sage in particular, increases the negative ions in the air, thereby balancing the ions and helping those who deal with depression feel a sense of lightness, peace, and well-being. Smudging with sage seems to be at least as effective as one anti-depressant.
4. Clearing the Air of Pollen
Smudging can help clear your space of pollen and pet dander, among many other bacteria. So if you have kids and/or pets, it would be a good idea to smudge on a regular basis. The act of smudging has no found side effects, and smudging once a week should make a difference in your health, mental focus, and inner peace.
5. Smudging Helps You Relax
Statistics have proven that smudging helps you to relax. Smudging has been known to lower tension, stress, and high blood pressure. A good time to smudge is in the mornings and at nighttime before bed. Those seem to be the most hectic times of day when everyone needs us for something. Smudge your way into relaxation and put everyone else on time-out.
Source: 8 Reasons You Should Try Smudging and How to Do It at Home
Photo: Natural Living Ideas