5 Reasons Why Every Gardener Should Grow Calendula


You may not know what calendula is, however, you may have heard of “pot marigold”. Well, they are the same plant and they have multiple uses within the home and the body. Many experts on calendula, feel that everyone should have this special plant in their garden for immediate access if needed.

Here are some 5 reasons why you should be growing calendula in your garden:

1. Calendula is easy to grow and maintain

Many people fear growing plants and herbs they’ve never heard of, but calendula is easy to grow and maintain for just about everyone, no matter the region. The plant remains compact and it continues to grow flowers throughout the season. Another great thing about calendula is that it fits in with any garden, whether flowers or vegetables, or both, calendula will thrive and cause no harm to other plants.

2. You can cook with calendula

Surprise! Calendula can also be used in the kitchen as a cooking ingredient. The very reason this plant is nicknamed “pot marigold” is because ages ago Germans used calendula to flavor their soups and stews, and the English used it for its coloring in butter and cheeses. Though often called Egyptian Saffron, there really is no comparison. Calendula has far more healing properties than saffron.

3. Make a healing tea with calendula flowers

Herbal teas are now on the shelves of many markets. Tea lovers not only want to enjoy the taste of their teas but they also want the health benefits. Loaded with phytochemicals, calendula has a wide variety of health benefits. This plant is not just healthy for the entire body on the inside, but is also great for skin conditions. The healing tea can be made from fresh or dried calendula. See both recipes here.

4. Calendula salve can heal cuts and bruises

Whether you have kids or not, families usually end up with their fair share of cuts and bruises. Some ointments burn when you apply them, which kids especially hate, and other ointments just smell badly and never really get to the source of the problem. Calendula can be stored in a dark bottle after the plant and flowers have been infused into a carrier oil, such as olive oil or coconut oil.  You will need beeswax if you want to make a real salve from the plant. Both recipes are in detail here.

5. Calendula can soothe diaper rash

Those with babies know how agonizing a bad diaper rash can feel to a small infant. By using calendula as a salve, or infused with extra virgin organic olive oil, you can use this plant on the rash and calendula will dry up that area and rid the skin of the diaper rash. If you have an infant or toddler still using diapers, calendula in this particular form is great to keep around the house.

Remember to use your old-fashioned common sense. If the rash on your child looks differently than previous diaper rashes, it is time to see a pediatrician so that they can determine exactly what the rash is and how it should be treated.