5 Reasons Why You Are Tired All of the Time (and what you can do about it)


We live in a tired world, especially those of us in the West it seems, have trouble with getting enough sleep and downtime in our lives. There are many reasons why you may be feeling tired if you are feeling this way all the time. It is good to also see a physician if your fatigue is extreme there may be an underlying health issue causing your tiredness.

Here are 5 reasons why you may be tired all of the time and what you can do about it:

1. Eating too many refined carbs

Refined carbs are popular in most people’s diet because they give you quick energy, but their downfall is that they soon cause you to crash and feel more tired than when you first ate them. Refined cards are white sugar, white flour, white rice, some pastas as well. It is best to take in whole wheat or whole grain products, as they may not give you a quick boost but they will energize your body for long periods of time, particularly if you make eating whole wheat and whole grains a habit. The less sugar you eat, the better your health will be in general.

2. Not enough exercise

Most people don’t get enough exercise. It’s that plain and simple. Many of us have desk jobs or work from home and we sit most of the day. Modern times have caused a lot of these issues because everything is at our fingertips, from food to communication. You don’t need to walk next door to say hi to your neighbor, you can check in via texting. The solution is to move our bodies more. Take in a daily 15 minute walk. If you used to be a runner, then pick up that habit once again. You don’t need to train for a marathon, you can try yoga, bike riding, hiking, walking to close places where you would normally drive. All of this will boost your energy and if you need to lose weight, movement will help with that issue as well.

3. You need more quality sleep 

Most people simply don’t get enough quality sleep. Either we go to bed too late and have to wake up too early or we interrupt our sleep by playing with our tech toys while in bed. We hear a sound, and that leads us to check our texts or emails and we feel the need to respond. We also allow others to interrupt our sleep time by receiving calls that can wait until tomorrow. Make your sleep and rest time a priority in your life and make it known to others when you are available for calls, work, and general conversation. Go to bed the same time every night if you can and try to awaken yourself around the same time each morning. This will put your body into a rhythm that will keep you more energized.

4. Not eating enough of the right foods 

Just as we can eat too much of the wrong foods, we can also make the mistake of eating too little, and also eating too little of the right foods. Not eating enough fruits and vegetables and substituting quick processed foods for nutrition-packed meals, can bring on fatigue. Again, most quick foods are full of refined carbs and sugar; just what you don’t need when you’re feeling tired. Instead, plan your meals ahead of time. This is a way to make better eating choices and give your body what it needs to get through the day.

5. Not eating enough protein

Protein packed foods can energize your body and help get you through that “middle of the day” energy lag. Replace the candy bar and potato chips with some sliced chicken breast, a can of tuna, or if you’re vegetarian or vegan, try a quick bean salad prepared ahead of time, or a small bowl of quinoa. There are many other choices for a protein boost than candy and salt-laden snacks. Seeds are another great source of protein. Make your own trail mix with pumpkin seeds, nuts, and raisins. If you plan your meals and your snacks, you will have something healthy ready for when you begin to experience fatigue.