6 Simple Ways To Break Through a Weight Loss Plateau


Weight loss can be a difficult subject to approach, whether you have 50 lbs to lose or 10; it can be quite a task sometimes. Particularly, when we pass certain age milestones, like 30, 40, and our 50s, weight loss can be even more challenging than before. However, age does not mean that it is impossible to lose weight. With the right program and a bit of stick-tuiveness, most anyone can lose weight successfully, unless there is some other underlying health issue that makes losing the pounds that much harder.

Often during a weight loss program, we hit what is called, a plateau. A weight loss plateau is when you start off on a losing streak and you lose pounds quickly, then all of a sudden everything comes to a halt. You may even find yourself gaining a couple of pounds and this can be frightening and frustrating for dieters.

We offer you 6 simple ways to break through that plateau and get your weight loss motor running smoothly once again:

1. Eat Less carbs

Carbs can often be the saboteur of a weight loss program. If you are stuck and haven’t lost a pound in weeks, cutting down on your carbs, such as, white bread, sugars, white flour, mashed potatoes, and all the other foods that turn us into addicts, wanting more. You will find that this will kickstart your weight loss after a couple of weeks, as long as you remain on complex carbs alone, such as whole grain breads.

2. Keep a Record of Everything You Eat

This may seem tedious at first, but writing down or using a computer program to keep track of your eating habits is the best way to know exactly how many calories you are taking in. We may feel that we haven’t eaten a lot that day but what we did eat may be filled with sugar and calories that we are not aware of.

3. Eat More Protein

Protein is vital to a healthy weight loss program. This doesn’t mean that you have to partake of a t-bone steak every night, but it does mean that you should incorporate healthy proteins into your daily routine. Chicken is a great source of protein, especially when it’s skinless and boneless. You can add chicken to just about any meal. There are also plant-based proteins, such beans, avocados, and items like tofu and tempeh.

4. Manage Your Stress Levels

Successful weight loss includes managing stress, because too much stress causes multiple issues; one is the need to overeat and stress hormones can even cause you to gain weight, particularly around the middle, which is the most dangerous weight you can gain because it has more of an affect on the heart. So do your best to take things in stride and stay relaxed.

5. Try Fasting

Fasting is going through at least a 12 hour period with just water and/or juices. Be aware, fasting is not the same as starving oneself. It should be done only intermittently, while you stay very well hydrated. This method is used as a kickstarter only, during those stubborn plateau periods.

6. Avoid that After Work Cocktail

Avoiding alcoholic beverages is a great way to kickstart weight loss. Alcohol has more calories in it than you may know, particularly when we add mixers, like sodas and fruit juices. If you are going to indulge, grab a simple vodka on ice and drink plenty of water. The hydration not only helps to keep you sober longer, but it dilutes the drink so that you will be drinking as much of the melted ice, as you are the alcohol.



14 Simple Ways to Break Through a Weight Loss Plateau