Important Reasons You Should Be Consuming MCT Oil


Most MCT oils are sourced naturally and made from organic coconuts. We are aware how popular coconut oil has become and all of its health benefits, which are due to what is called medium-chain triglycerides, or MCT. These triglycerides are a form of saturated fatty acid and can now be extracted directly from the coconut. Coconut oil itself contains approximately 65 per cent of MCTs, so by consuming MCT oils, you are getting the best and healthiest of what is in coconut oil.

It has been found that most consumers in the West, are missing out on the benefits of MCTs because the consumption of coconut oil is not as high as those in tropical areas of the world who have everyday access to coconuts. There is a small group of Westerners that know about MCTs and these people consciously consume more coconut oil than the average person.

The overall health benefits of MCT oil is enough to begin incorporating it into your diet, but there are some major reasons why it should be on your next grocery list:

Weight Management

In 2001, a study done in Kagawa, Japan, proved that MCT oil has a significant effect on weight loss and weight management. MCT oil may not only help you to lose weight but also assist in keeping the weight off, which is a huge problem for most people.

Hormone Balancing

For women, in particular, MCT oil is beneficial through the aging process and menopause. During menopause, women can go through some very life-affecting changes because of hormone imbalance. MCT oil helps to keep hormones balanced and is also beneficial for those with insulin sensitivity.

Boosts Mood and Memory

Another great benefit of adding MCT oil to your diet is its ability to boost mood and memory, which are issues that affect both aging men and women. A 2004 study done by the Center of Excellence on Brain Aging at New York University’s Langone Medical Center, found that MCT oil boosted memory in healthy aging adults, but also those suffering from the symptoms of Alzheimers.

MCT Oil Supports Heart Health

One of the major killers of women is various forms of heart disease. MCT’s are believed to be a major factor in supporting heart health and lessening the risk of cardiovascular diseases. MCT’s appear to have this very beneficial affect on the health of the heart because it aids in weight loss, lowering the risk of obesity.

If you cannot find MCT oil in your area, it is available online. It is also good to begin using coconut oil in your cooking because it does, of course, contain a significant amount of MCT’s.