Make Your Own Cough Drops that Work Instantly


The winter/spring cold season can be brutal, and as it gets closer to the change of seasons, the common cold becomes more common than ever. The symptoms that come with it are usually stuffy noses, constant coughing, and a sore scratchy throat. There are so many cough drops on the market these days at your local supermarket pharmacy, we often have a difficult time deciding which one is really going to do the job.

Have you ever thought of making your own with just three ingredients? 

It’s not difficult or expensive to make your own cough drops and this is a tried and true recipe for cough drops that work instantly. All you need to do is gather a few common ingredients and find yourself a jar so that you can keep them freshly stored. Here are the three ingredients and why they work.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is in the health news almost everyday. It has great health benefits, and soothing sore throats and coughs is one of them. The oil itself is loaded with antioxidants, and is also full of antibacterial and antiviral agents that go to work instantly on a rough cough and soar throat. The healing agents in coconut oil are powerful and effective enough to also treat certain flu viruses.


It is best, for the sake of your health, to buy pure organic, local honey, if possible. Honey is one of these products that when mass produced may contain ingredients that aren’t the best for our health. Honey also contains antiviral properties plus antimicrobial agents, and is much more well-known for actually helping to cure the common cold and cough than coconut oil. Small studies have shown that honey can be just as effective as many over-the-counter cough syrups.


A spice just about everyone loves, cinnamon, is a tiny bit sweet and a tiny bit spicy. Its been used for many different medicinal purposes throughout the ages. Cinnamon’s health promoting agents come from the bark of the tree from which it grows, the Cinnamomum Tree. Cinnamon carries such compounds as cinnamic acid, cinnamate, and cinnamaldehyde, which count for its ability to heal the common cold. Cinnamon also protects you from bacteria that often accompanies the cold and flu viruses.

Now, here is the recipe:


Take a 1/2 cup of coconut oil

1/2 cup of honey

1 1/2 tsp. of cinnamon

1. Beat the coconut oil in a bowl with a hand mixer until frothy

2. Then add the honey and whip into coconut oil until completely blended

3. Add the cinnamon and mix well

4. Pour the mixture into a small ice tray

5. Freeze for at least 20 minutes

6. When the cough drops are hard, take them out of the tray and store in an airtight jar in the refrigerator until needed


Source: Homemade Three-Ingredient Cough Drops that Work Instantly 

Photo Credit: Natural Living Ideas